Friday, July 29, 2011

A Trek Through The Savanna

Hola! Time for my weekly update from the Sunshine State! Although apparently the north is getting more sunshine lately than we are...

Monday, July 18th: At the Africa KDC, kids can help me track a rhino by looking at its footprint and poop. After I was done leading a kid through the clues, I asked him, "Would you like your stamp now?" And he kind of surprised me by replying, "Can I learn more, first?" That kid was awesome!!! He didn't just want his prize--he wanted to know more about rhinos! Those are the moments that make me love my job.

After work, I met up with some interns to play frisbee at fields across the street from Cumberland. We had a lot of fun, even though it was a million degrees outside. Unfortunately, the fields closed at 8pm so we didn't get to play for very long. Hopefully we can get a little more organized and start playing a few times a week. Although it won't be nearly the same as ultimate with my Irish Elks or with the Dirty Discs back home. :-(

Other big news today: the Buccos beat the Reds and went into 1st place in the Central Division!! Am I dreaming?!?!

Tuesday, July 19th: Not much happened, but I signed up for the Wild Africa Trek at DAK! More info on this later.

Wednesday, July 20th: Tonight, Cassie and Alyssa hosted a game night for their friends at The Seas. Team Cassie-Sonia-Alison kicked butt at Disney Scene It!! Yay!

Thursday, July 21st: In the morning, my roomies, Nicole, and I went to the cast discount stores. I bought a really sweet Disney sticker book. Don't judge me, it's awesome!! Then, Sonia, Nicole, and I headed to DAK for our Wild Africa Trek. It was soooo cool! First, we got strapped into our harnesses and got to hang over the hippo exhibit. Then we walked across old, rickety bridges to see the nile crocodiles. After that, it was time for our private safari tour. We saw animals like cheetahs, flamingos, okapi, elephants, warthogs, wildebeest, and sable antelopes. We also got so close to the reticulated giraffes that they probably could have licked us! That was definitely the coolest part. Also, near the end of our tour, we had a nice lunch of traditional African cuisine. We had delicious juice and food served in a canister. There was pita bread, fresh fruit, dried beef, smoked salmon, shrimp, hummus, and a cucumber slaw. It was all topped off with a purple orchid. We were encouraged to eat everything, and it was all amazing. The orchid, however, was kind of bland. Overall, I had a great time on the trek, and I'm glad I got to do it.

Friday, July 22nd: Today was a bad day. I went to the pool, but I didn't do a very good job of uniformly applying my sunscreen, so I got really awkward burns. Ugh. Well, this is the first time I've been burnt since I got here, so I guess it had to happen eventually.

Saturday, July 23rd: Alright, I can officially say that I know how to ride a bike!! I rode to Conservation Station with Megan, and I barely had to stop at all! Yippee! Now I kind of think that bikes are fun!

Sunday, July 24th: My roomies, Nicole, Melissa, and I all ordered tickets for the Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias concert on October 21st!! I'M SO PUMPED. It's also the day after the Sugarland concert, so it should be a great couple of days. Later on, my friends and I went out Jellyrolls, a dueling piano bar, for Melissa's 21st birthday. The pianists took requests and played a lot of oldies but goodies, but also played "Smelly Cat" from Friends and a song by Travis Tritt. Oh, and they invited all the birthday girls onstage for a special song.

That night, I had a dream that I was in Wildwood, NJ for the ultimate frisbee beach tournament. However, there was a huge tsunami and I had to run for my life away from the waves. Haha. I hope there's not a tsunami during the real tourney this weekend!

Monday, July 25th: The roomies and I did a kickboxing class in Cumberland. Let's just say it kicked my butt and made me feel like I should try to exercise more. It was fun though, especially because our instructor was very attractive haha. I don't think I'll be doing the class again, but I may do yoga next week instead.

Tuesday, July 26th: Nothing exciting today. I tried to stay awake for the 19-inning Pirates game, but fell asleep around the 17th. That's probably for the best, because I would've screamed so loud if I had seen the horrible call the home plate ump made that lost us the game.

Alright, I need to go clean up my room. Next time, I'll tell you about DAK's International Year of Forests celebration.

"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."--Mark Twain

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