Saturday, September 17, 2011

Can You Take Our Picture? It's For A Scavenger Hunt.

Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't written a blog in a while, I've been crazy busy with work and the refuge. I've got a lot to talk about in this entry, but the good news is I have tons of pictures!

Wednesday, Aug 24th: Today was the epic scavenger hunt at Epcot for the Presenters' team-building activity! Sonia, Cassie, and I were a team (they let Cassie come because she loves scavenger hunts). We had to answer different questions and take pictures around the World Showcase. Every time we needed a group shot, Cassie would go up to someone and ask if they could take a picture. Then I always added in, "It's for a scavenger hunt." I figured they might find it weird that we wanted a picture in front of a random statue, or with a family all wearing the same shirt. So, that became the quote of the night and is the title of this entry. Anyway, back to the scavenger hunt--The three of us DOMINATED. Below are some pictures of us: in Mexico, in Norway, with a family all dressed the same, and with "Justin Beaver" in Canada.

Thursday, Aug 25th: I went back to the refuge (which I will now call BTN) today, and I was assigned to take care of the barnyard animals. I put Koko the Emu's food in her enclosure, and then cleaned Mocha (the deer) and Jennifer's (the goat) cage. Most of the day, the other interns and I washed dishes, but then we got to clean the bird cage with mockingbirds, doves, thrashers, and sparrows. We pulled the hose inside, so the door was left open a little bit. Somehow, the mockingbird escaped--luckily it was close to being released anyway, and we didn't get in trouble. Oops.

That evening, Sonia came home and told Cassie and I that we had won the scavenger hunt!! YEAH!! One of the questions we got wrong was "Name 4 famous Canadians." We had been in a hurry when we wrote the answers, and Cassie wrote down "Cindy Crosby." FAIL. Haha...oh well, we still won!

A bit later, Cassie and I went to grocery bingo at one of the CP apartments. I WON!! I got 2 reusable bags full of food, plus some toilet paper, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and toothpaste. I've never won anything in my life, but tonight I won the scavenger hunt AND bingo!!

Friday, Aug 26th: Today was my day off, so I cleaned up the apartment a bit and hung some more of my pictures on my bedroom wall. Also, I found out that Jazzie, who I studied abroad with, was coming to Orlando for the week!

Saturday, Aug 27th: Nothing much happened today, except it rained a lot because of Hurricane Irene! Luckily, she pretty much passed over us.

Sunday, Aug 28th: Pretty much the only exciting part about work was when one of the primate keepers came to tell us about the siamangs. They were relatively sure that the mother was pregnant (it's often hard to predict their pregnancies ahead of time)! She ended up having a baby a few days later! It looks like a naked mole rat or some sort of ugly alien. Hopefully she grows fur soon--that would make her much cuter.

That night, most of the Presenters went to T-Rex (a restaurant like Rainforest Cafe, only Dino-themed) for Karen's birthday. It was a ton of fun, and it was great to hang out with everyone outside of work. Unfortunately, there was a big fiasco with our checks, and it took a lot of work to separate our checks. Afterwards, we took a group picture outside. There were a bunch of rude people walking in front of the camera, so Karen yelled at them and then moved the queue rope so that they'd have to walk around. It was hilarious...until she moved it back on top of my foot. Thanks, Karen. :P

Monday, Aug 29th: In the morning, some of the Community Education managers came to talk to us about their internship that's available for next semester. Out of all the positions, this is the one I REALLY want. I would get to learn how to write curriculum, teach classes and camps, and make trips to hospitals to visit children. Basically perfect for me. After the managers left, my mentor group met with one of our leaders to talk about how to write resumes and cover letters.

Tuesday, Aug 30th: Today was kind of a bad day, until i saw Stitch (from "Lilo and Stitch") backstage. He patted me on the back and, all of a sudden, I felt a lot happier. I love when characters say hi to Cast Members. :-)

That night, I drove through a freaking hurricane to get to Magic Kingdom so I could meet up with Jazzie. I was literally the only person driving into the park, and I almost hydroplaned about 20 times. After going on a few rides, we saw the "Wishes" fireworks! That was the first time I had seen them, and they were pretty spectacular. I'm so happy I got to see Jazzie, even if was only for a few hours!

Jazzie and I at the Haunted Mansion cemetery!

Wednesday, Aug 31st: The Group Education team came to tell us about their internship, which I'm also applying for. For some reason, they brought a leaf from The Tree of Life, and we all got to touch it. It was like I was touching a piece of Disney history!

Thursday, Sept 1st: Today, Disney celebrated International Vulture Awareness Day. I had off, but it was my day at the refuge, so I couldn't go to DAK and do the fun vulture activities. :-(

At the refuge, I cleaned up Koko's cage and worked on organizing the produce. It was a bad day for me because there was some miscommunication and I messed a few things up. It's hard to remember everything I've learned when I'm only there once a week!

That evening, Sonia, Cassie, Melissa Hartley, and I went to the Disco-themed meet-and-greet. We met Mickey, who was wearing his spiffy, sparkly, blue suit! That Mouse has style.

Friday, Sept 2nd: Betsy, Steph, and I went to Magic Kingdom and we FINALLY got to ride Splash Mountain! I love how the lines for almost all of the rides are so short now. We stuck around for the "Dreams Come True" parade and it was AMAZING. I don't think any Disney parade could top it. After I did a bit of shopping, we headed to the Contemporary Resort on the monorail, and I bought a delicious Black Forest cupcake. 

I basically meet Disney characters for a living.

That night, the roomies and I watched Pocahontas and then made up interpretive dances to "Colors of the Wind" and "Just Around the Riverbend." That's one reason I love my roommates. We can just act like idiots with no shame whatsoever!

Ok, it's definitely time for bed. My weekend is officially over, and now it's time for another LONG six days straight of work. Peace out, everyone!

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."--E.B. White

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