Thursday, August 18, 2011

This One Time, at Disney World...

Hi! I have a lot of fun things to talk about in this entry, including my day at MK when I met a bunch of characters!! Here it is...

Thursday, August 4th: Today I went to Coronado Springs Resort with Cassie to search for Hidden Mickeys.The resort had a Mexican theme, complete with a Mayan temple surrounding the pool. One of the lifeguards told us where some of the alleged Mickeys were, but we couldn't find most of them. After we gave up on our scavenger hunt, we walked over to the cabanas. They each had their own little beach with some palm trees and a family-sized hammock. I'd love to stay there someday!

Friday, Aug. 5th: Melissa Hulbert, Steph Pierson, and I went to Magic Kingdom, and we met A TON of characters. I was SO excited to act like a little kid again and get their autographs and pictures with them! First, we met Cinderella, Belle, and Aurora. When we saw Minnie and Mickey, I let them sign with my "Mickey hand" pen that I got at Cumberland, and they were disappointed to see that it actually had 5 fingers instead of 4. Oops...sorry. Not official Disney merch! After that, we met Pinocchio, Buzz Lightyear, Angelica (from PotC: On Stranger Tides), Goofy, Aladdin, and Jasmine. It was an absolutely great day at MK!

Later on, the roomies and I went to Friendly's for dinner. It brought back memories of the one I went to after the Wildwood beach ultimate tourney a few years ago. Good times have always been had at Friendly's! A few other interns joined us, and they probably thought we were crazy. My roomies and I are so loud and we bicker all the time and joke around, but we all mean it in good fun. From the outside, you'd think we hate each other, but we actually get along really well. The best part of the night was when a woman came up to us and made balloon animals: Cassie had a shark, Alyssa had Minnie ears, Sonia had a monkey, and I had a blue and gold macaw(yes, I AM being that specific with my balloon haha). That whole day was one of the best I've had in quite a while.

Saturday, Aug. 6th: Nothing of note happened today, but two little kids gave me a hug after they did the Africa KDC. As Sonia would say, it was "so ca-yoooooot!"

Sunday, Aug. 7th: So today I walked over to Asia and heard the weirdest noise. It took me a few seconds, but then I realized the Siamangs were vocalizing!!! Check out a video of their call here. And look at the inflated vocal pouch on their neck--so cool! You have no idea how excited I was to hear this--it took them over a month to vocalize while I was there!

The highlight of my day was when I was at Conservation Station with Nicole. This Guest from Alabama  saw my Pittsburgh, PA name tag and proceeded to ask if I was Amish. No, sir, just because I'm from PA doesn't mean that I'm Amish. I live near the city, thank you very much. If I could have died of laughter right there, I would have. As if that wasn't hilarious enough, a Hispanic man came up to Nicole and I, and had his wife take a picture of the three of us together with his iPad. He then uploaded it to his facebook right there. Well, I guess I'm famous in some other country!

Monday, Aug. 8th: Nothing too eventful happened today.

Tuesday, Aug. 9th: I was at the Tree of Life and my next-door neighbor from home and her grandson stumbled upon the KDC and came down to visit! I knew they were in Disney, but I didn't think they'd be able to find me among the thousands of people.

That night, I started looking on the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) website for some jobs and internships that I could do after Disney. I found THE PERFECT JOB at the North Carolina Aquarium. I would help with educational programs, do presentations, and be one of the primary bird trainers. That would be AMAZING. Ugh, too bad they probably need to fill the position asap because the deadline is soon. I guess that for now, I should focus on looking for internships instead.

Wednesday, Aug. 10th: Today I was at the Flamingo exhibit because it was raining at the Cotton Top's area. I met a family that lived in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, so I asked them where they were specifically from. They actually live in the neighborhood I grew up in as a little kid! Also, their son goes to Avonworth Elementary School and has some of the same teachers I did!! Considering there are only about 1,500 students in grades K-12, that's pretty amazing that I saw a fellow Avonworthian in Disney World. (Is that what we're called? That sounds weird. Oh well.) To top it off, the next family I talked to was from Greensburg! *Cue the "It's A Small World" theme song*

Thursday, Aug. 11: We had our first of five leadership seminars today. This one focused on the "Disney Values" and the basics of how to be a good leader. Because it was technically my day off, I got to go home after the seminar. Nicole and I decided to see "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" with James Franco, and it was actually very good--the CG animation was pretty amazing.

That night, I tried to go to Publix, but my car failed to completely start. So I thought my battery had died. That's awesome because I had an important meeting the next day. I called AAA (because my windows were down and I was worried it would rain), and it took them forever to come. It was 10:30pm by the time they got here! The woman opened my hood, took one look, and said that the battery was fine--the terminal was just loose. Well, I guess I'm glad it wasn't as bad as I thought. She tightened it up for me and then said I should buy a new part and then my car would be fine.

Friday, Aug. 12: In the morning, I went to Epcot with Betsy because we both had a meeting with a few managers to discuss future career options. The first thing we did was see the "Captain EO" 4D movie. IT WAS GREAT. It's a movie that was made in 1986 exclusively for Disney World, and it was produced by George Lucas and starsMichael Jackson! MJ is Captain EO and he travels to space to give "The Supreme Leader" a peace offering. She captures MJ and his crew, but he ends up defeating her with his crazy dance moves. Let's just say this movie was the 80's at its best. While Betsy was in her meeting, I explored "The Seas with Nemo and Friends"aka The Seas. After my meeting (which went pretty well), we went on "The Sum of All Thrills," a simulator where you get to design your own rollercoaster and then actually ride it!! It's really cool!! Then after we went home, I went to Meineke to fix my car and Winn-Dixie to do some extreme couponing! Yeah!

"Disneyland is often called a magic kingdom because it combines fantasy and history, adventure and learning, together with every variety of recreation and fun designed to appeal to everyone."--Walt Disney

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